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They call me Jose "Llargo". This nickname is due to my height, 1,90 m. I have always been a passionate cyclist.
It all started in 1991, when my father took me to the "Bicicletas Prieto" store in Valencia... there it was: a beautiful Fausto Coppi mountain bike. In the heat of the mountain bike furor of the 90s, I started with a great machine and my passion for cycling began.

Many other bicycles would arrive, thousands of routes, of friends, of cycling mornings, but in everything a common denominator: fun, escape, improvement, perseverance and adventure, a lot of adventure.
My first "cycling age" was with mountain biking, in the 90s and 2000s. I really enjoyed the mountains, the feeling of riding in places where no one usually goes. My photographic passion also began. I always remember taking pictures, it's something innate in me. I like to show the beauty that my eyes appreciate and share it with other people.
Then came the road. In 2012 I bought my first bike, a Merida, and it drove me crazy. Workouts, heart rate, and of course, Strava and the segments! I've always been competitive and it was like a ring on my finger.
Recently the Gravel appeared, and allowed me to remember my mountain biking days, but from a more router approach, something I love. And that's where we are, taking pictures, going out on road and gravel and enjoying cycling as always.